DREAM - This is all about understanding our clients, building relationships, getting close to their needs, being creative and imaginative, honing their thoughts, thinking big (and small) etc. It's kind of how all projects start in our heads - with a beautiful idea of transforming a room into a dream bathroom etc. We sit with clients, find stuff out about them, suggest new stuff, riff off each other. And it's got really positive connotations. 

DESIGN - This is when the project goes live. We start 'creating' based on reality, budget, solving the brief through design, choosing materials, colours, spatial awareness, floor plans - all the best bits of interior design really. Drawing on our years of experience. 

DELIVER  - This is the solid, reliable, trustworthy bit. The opposite of 'creative'. This is project management, dealing with builders and budgets and timings. And making sure things get done exactly as we intended. And delivering on the promise we made to our clients.